Monday, June 20, 2011

Ok, so maybe I don't hate them ALL....

Hooray for a Monday off! And yeah, I will get to my vinyasa shortly, but first I did a bit more home fixes and a bit of internet surfing. There this site I like : , because of the often cool, often funny pictures they post daily. They also do this bit called 'afternoon eye candy' which usually I'm 'meh' about (you know how I feel about 'those' people), but they had my favourite smexy nerd from Criminal Minds once, which I was all over, and then.....this guy. Jason Momoa. Forgive the drool. But I'm putting this up in my cubicle for INSTANT joy. Thank you Jason, for convincing me to be a little bit more kindly inclined towards those of your persuasion....


  1. haha!! OMG i saw this guy on Game of Thrones and my first thought was, my sis is really gonna dig this dude.....

  2. Ah, how well you know your Sis.....
